
  • Hirosaki School of Higher Education(Est.Nov.1920)(Closed Mar.1950)
  • Aomori Prefectural Teachers College(Est.Sep.1876)
  • Aomori Prefectural Normal Teacher School(Est.Sep.1886)
  • Aomori Prefectural Teacher’s College(Est.Apr.1898)
  • Aomori Prefectural Women Teacher’s School(Est.Mar.1910)
  • Aomori Normal School(Est.Apr.1885)(Closed Mar.1893)
  • Training School for Teachers of Aomori Prefectural Industrial Continuation School(Est.Feb.1931)
  • Training School for Teachers of Aomori Prefectural Youth School(Est.Apr.1935)
  • Aomori Youth Normal School(Est.Apr.1944)(Closed Mar.1951)
  • Aomori Medical School(Est.Apr.1944)(Closed Mar.1951)
  • Hirosaki Medical College(Est.Feb.1948)(Closed Mar.1960)

Hirosaki University

Hirosaki University was established in the former castle town of Hirosaki in 1949. It is a national university and is located in Aomori Prefecture, situated at the northern end of Honshu Island. The historical sketch of the University is as follows:

May. 1949 Hirosaki Medical College, Aomori Medical School,Hirosaki Higher School, Aomori Normal School and Aomori Youth Normal School were incorporated in accordance with the National School Establishment Law into a “new-system” university with three faculties (Arts and Science, Education, Medicine) and a university library.
Apr. 1955 Faculty of Agriculture was established
Apr. 1958 Graduate School of Medicine (M.D.) was established.
Apr. 1960 One-Year Postgraduate Course in Agriculture was established. (Abolished in March 1971)
Apr. 1965 Faculty of Arts and Science was reorganized into Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science.
College of Liberal Arts was established. (Abolished in Sep. 1997)
Apr. 1966 One-Year Postgraduate Course in Education was established. (Abolished in March 1994)
Training Institute for Nurse Teachers was established.(Abolished in March 1980)
June. 1967 Health Administration Center was established.
Apr. 1969 One-Year Postgraduate Course in Science was established. (Abolished in March 1978)
Apr. 1971 Graduate School of Agriculture (M.Agr.) was established.
Apr. 1972 One-Year Postgraduate Course in Humanities was established. (Abolished in March 1999)
Apr. 1975 School of Allied Medical Sciences was established.

Apr. 1977 Graduate School of Science (M.Sc.) was established.
Apr. 1989 Graduate School of Humanities (M.A.) was established.
Apr. 1990 The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,Iwate University(D.Agr.) was established.
Apr. 1993 Gene Research Center was established.
Apr. 1994 Graduate School of Education (M.Ed.) was established.
June. 1994 Computer and Communications Systems Center was established.
May. 1996 Center for Education and Research of Lifelong Learning was established.
Apr. 1997 Center for Joint Research was established.
Oct. 1997 Faculty of Science and Faculty of Agriculture was reorganized into “Faculty of Science and Technology” and “Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science”
Apr. 1999 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences(M.A.Humanities and Social Sciences) was established.
Oct . 1999 Radioisotope Laboratory was established.
Apr. 2000 Teaching and Research Center for Bio-coexistence,Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science was established.
Oct. 2000 School of Medicine Health Sciences was established.
Apr. 2001 Center for Educational Research and Practice was established.
Oct. 2001 Center for General Education was established.
Apr. 2002 Graduate School of Science and Graduate School of Agriculture was reorganized into “Graduate School of Science and Technology” and “Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science”.Graduate School of Regional Studies (Ph.D) was established.
Apr. 2003 International Student Exchange Center was established.
Sep. 2003 Center for Instrumental Analysis was established.
Apr. 2004 National University Corporation HIROSAKI UNIVERSITY was established.
Graduate School of Science and Technology (D. Sci) was established.
Jun. 2004 Hirosaki University Press was established.
Apr. 2005 Graduate Schools of Health Sciences (M. Hlth.Sci.) was established.
Apr. 2007 Graduate School of Health Sciences (D. Hlth) was established.
International Student Exchange Center was reorganized into “International Exchange Center.”
Oct. 2008 Office Organizing Workshop and Courses for the Teacher Qualificatior Renewal System was established.
Mar. 2009 North Japan New Energy Research Center was established.
Apr. 2009 Shirakami Nature Science Park was established.
Oct. 2009 Office for the Promotion of Gender Equality was established.
Mar. 2010 Research and Education Center for Radiation Emergency Medicine was established.
Oct. 2010 North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy, the Shirakami-Sanchi Institute of the Natural Environment, and Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine were established.
Oct. 2012 Museum was established.
Mar. 2013 Research Institute of Food Science was established.
Apr. 2013 International Education Center was established.
Apr. 2014 Research Center for child Mental Development,Graduate School of Medicine,Hirosaki University was established.
Medical Systems creative frontier,Graduate School of Science and Technology was established.
Oct. 201 5 Institute of Education and Research was established. Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education Information was reorganized. Institute for the Promotion of Research and Innovation was reorganized. Radiation Safety Comprehensive Support Center was established.
Apr. 2016 Faculty of Humanities was reorganized to Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Faculty of Science and Technology was reorganized.
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science was reorganized.
Faculty of Education was reorganized.
Oct. 2016 International Education Center was integrated into Department of International Education & Collaboration.
Feb. 2017 Innovation Center for Health Promotion was established.
Apr. 2017 Graduate School of Education was reorganized.
Apr. 2018 Shirakami-Sanchi Institute of the Natural Environment was integrated into Shirakami Research Center for Environment Sciences in Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science.
North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy and Research Institute of Food Science were integrated to Institute of Regional Innovation.
Oct. 2018 Office for Regional Revitalization was established.
Apr. 2019 Computer and Communications Systems Center was abolished and Information Management Headquarters was established.
Center for Instrumental Analysis was abolished and SharedFacility Center for Science and Technology was established in Institute for the Promotion of Research and Innovation.
Oct.2019 Radiation Emergency Medicine and Cooperation Promotion was established.
Dec.2019 Technical Support Division was established.
Apr.2020 School of Clinical Psychological Science was established.
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences is reorganized and Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (Master’s Course) is established.
Graduate School of Education was reorganized and Department of School Education (Master’s Course) abolished.
Graduate School of Sustainable Community Studies (Master’s Course) established.
The COC Promotion Division, Center for Education and Research of Lifelong Learning, and Volunteer Center were abolished and established the Regional Collaboration Promotion Division, the Regional Creation Human Resource Development Division, and the Volunteer Center within the Office for Regional Revitalization.